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Corinna Larson
(Formerly Liebel-Woodcock)
Journeyman Artist
Local's 706 & 488
Ear surgery wound | Dennis Leary - SpidermanDying scene end of movie |
Jaqueline Toboni - Grimm | Tanoai Reed - Priest |
Tanoai Reed - Priest | Polartec CommercialElement over-exposure |
Polartec CommercialElement over-exposure | Pirates of the Caribbean IIFlesh picked by seagulls |
Pirates of the Caribbean IISword tip cut | Hart of DixieSunburn |
Hart of DixieMosquito welts | Wilson Bethel - Hart of DixieStitches |
Tim Gouran - GrimmBrow scar and beating | Major CrimesThroat slit |
ShelteredDistressed w/Blood splatter | Eric Cummins - Major CrimesBeaten during rape |
Jonathon Slavin - GrimmPost feeding | Sasha Roiz - GrimmBullet hit |
Brendan Hines - Sarah ConnorDirt, exhaustion and scars | Scott Porter - Hart of DixieFace punched |
Cress William - Hart of DixieFace punched | Cress William - Hart of DixieAnkle bruise |
Medical InvestigationsRigor Mortis | Medical InvestigationsChicken pox |
Medical InvestigationsChicken pox | Nick Offerman - Treasure IslandBrown scar and dead eye |
GrimmTortured | GrimmGlass shards in eye sockets |
GrimmGlass shard in throat | GrimmChemical burn scar |
Major CrimesReopened suicide scars | Demon HunterPossession, throwing up blood |
CSIDeath by stangulation | CSIDeath by blunt force trama |
Major CrimesHead smashed with barbell | Americas Most WantedTortured |
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